Soul of place (2015)
by Linda Lappin.
A creative landscape-writing workbook. Though aimed at literature/creative writing, it can be used as a source of inspiration for different mediums such as landscape-psychogeography photography projects.
- Deep map
- Postcard fiction
- Word painting -visual descriptions of a place
- Pilgrimage
- Follow off the beaten track
- Visit a place no longer there
- A literary journey
- A quest: a journey in parts (1) a desire, (2) a conflict, and (3) breakthrough
- Finding the soul of the city
- How do seasonal changes affect the place - holidays, weather
- History
- Who lived there?
- Your personal mythology-geography
- Parks
- Wild / cultivated dichotomy
- How the natural elements work together
- Pathways, design and purpose
- Animals and people
- Art - statues, design
- Transportation links
- Types of commuter
- Modes
- Types of personal transport
- Drivers
- Ruins